Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Challenge

I was looking back over my blog from last year and my book list from then.  Last year I read 33 books.  I'm at 25 currently.  That leaves me with 8 books to read before 2011.  That would mean four in November and four in December.  I'm curious to see if I can do it, but to be practical, as I usually am, I don't see it happening.  There are so many other things to complete by Christmas, such as cards, pictures of the kids, Christmas shopping, making Christmas gifts, wrapping those gifts, etc.  So my challenge to myself is to read 5 more books, thus putting me at 30 books for the year.  I think this is a doable challenge.  I'll keep you posted.  And Mommy Meg, don't use this insider information to pull a fast one and zoom by me.  :)

Book # 25: Spaceheadz

By Jon Scieszka & Francesco Sedita

Being an elementary education major, I've read Jon Scieszka's other books, so when I noticed this one, I just had to see what it was about.  A great option for incorporating energy wave information into a classroom in a fun way.  A little out there as all of his books are, and perhaps difficult to understand depending on the reading level of the child.  I could definitely see sequels and a website playing off of his Spaceheadz theme.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Book # 24: The Host

by Stephenie Meyer

An intriguing science fiction tale of an alien species that inserts itself into other species in order to live.  They begin to colonize Earth, but realize that Earthlings are able to retain a presence in their brain.  Sounds strange and far-fetched, but was truly well written.  It was one of those books that you can't put down, read straight through, and then are sad to be done with.  I was amazed by Stephenie's ability to have you sympathize with both the alien species and us as a decidedly strange love triangle occurs.   A tad predictable and not a book that requires a ton of thought, but still one I'd highly recommend.