Monday, March 8, 2010


Well, my reading has been halted.  Mommy Meg noticed that I had mentioned neglecting my house work in order to keep up with my book reading.  Therefore, she suggested that maybe we should take a break between books and complete a household task before continuing.  This got me thinking... my household items always get done.  By these I mean, my laundry, grocery shopping, weekly cleaning, and cooking, but I do have a "To Do List" that has been sadly neglected.  So neglected in fact that I have not visited it since way before Christmas.  So with Mommy Meg's motivation, I printed (yes, I keep a copy saved on my desktop) and updated my to do list.  This small act got me incredibly motivated.  A number of the tasks on my list actually looked fun.  I just happen to be an organizational nut.  Not that my house in anyway reflects this because I'm a messy person by everyday standards, but those big organizing projects that most people prefer to put off--I LOVE THEM!!!  Organize the basement--OKAY!  Sort through the kids clothing--YIPPEE!  Buy containers and make Madi's crafts accessible to her--WOOHOO!  I know; it's sad.  As a kid, I used to organize my bedroom a number of times a year--not clean, organize.  The large pile of clothing would stay untouched, but my school papers and artwork would be cataloged and filed away neatly.  A little backwards--most likely, but very handy in a friend, as if you're organizing and care to invite me, I will be your motivator!!! 

Anyway... perhaps Mommy Meg knew this, dropped a hint on purpose, and thus sidetracked me from my good old reading frenzy.  Perhaps not, and I dug my own grave, or at least organized it. 

Either way, I HAVE started my next book, but my days have been spent:

1.  Inventorying Madilyn's clothing (size 2T, 3T, 4T, and 5T), all stored in marked boxes in her closet for when she finally reaches those sizes.  Now I am ready for yard sale season because I know what items I am missing, such as snowsuits, T-shirts, or winter dresses. 

2.  Organizing Madilyn's craft supplies into little drawers so that she can now access them herself.  Hooray for independence!

3.  Sorting through Luke's too small clothing and getting it folded and ready for baby # 3.  Plus purging the items I dreaded putting him in as I really didn't like them.

4.  Finally, prepping a few items to mail as they have been sitting in my office for over a year.

5.  Hanging up some icons and crosses that have also sat in my office for over a year.

Now that I have confessed my organizational addiction, I am headed to the couch to put my feet up and yes, read...not organize, not purge, not read!

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